
Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Meditation - What’s the difference?

Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Meditation - What’s the difference?

I used to find this completely confusing. Try Googling this question! People use these terms interchangeably and some ideas are trending, so get used more.
I’m not saying that I have the definite answer, but there are certain key differences. To choose, you also need to know your aim for doing any of these.
If you’re in a hurry - read the recap in the end! There are also some great freebies to try :)

What is hypnotherapy? Become more resilient.

What is hypnotherapy? Become more resilient.

When you are stressed, you may feel overwhelmed by how to manage even small things in your daily life; or feel angry because your situation doesn’t feel fair; you may have problems sleeping and your brain may feel foggy and sluggish.

Our brains don’t like change because we have this very primitive part of the brain that still believes we live in the Stone Ages. It makes sense to this primitive mind that change can be very dangerous. Who knows what will jump out at you behind that metaphorical hill of change?

Change also takes conscious thinking effort and thinking guzzles calories. This primitive mind believes food is hard to come by and therefore we are hardwired to conserve energy (and to eat all the calories we can when it’s there…).

Thankfully, we do have a newer part of the brain that can convince the primitive one that some particular change is going to be beneficial and therefore override this aversion to use up energy and possibly face danger.